Damian has made the links for the NHibernate part of the talk available on his blog but just in case you are lazy here they are:
- NHibernate home page
- NHForge for articles, FAQs and help
- The NHusers Google Group
- The Summer of NHibernate screencast series
- Sharp Architecture is a project by Billy McCafferty to provide a "best practice" starter kit for an NHibernate / ASP.NET MVC project.
- NHibernate in Action book from Manning publications.
Ali has also provided the link for the Sydney ALT.NET Assembla space (subversion repository and more). It's at http://www.assembla.com/spaces/AltNetSydney so feel free to go there and grab the source for last nights demo to have a look at.
I couldn't make the talk so forgive me if this link was already mentioned on the night, but I thought you'd find this interesting...