Friday, January 18, 2013

Jan 29 - Soft Skills and NServiceBus New Bits

A big welcome back for the New Year to everyone. To kick the year off for you we have the following topics for your entertainment so RSVP via the poll on the site and we'll see you on the 29th!

What's New in NServiceBus? - Hadi Eskandari

This talk is about NServiceBus, an open-source enterprise service bus on .NET platform. With all the web services around we'll see why and where it is relevant to use a service bus. We'll quickly create a solution based on NSB which would get you up to speed with the technology and also see new features and functionalities introduced in the latest version and have a sneak peek at what would be available in next versions.

Soft Skills for Technical People - Richard Banks

Sometimes you need to communicate with people using more than a keyboard. Sometimes you actually have to go and talk to someone in person. Egads! I know! What are you going to do when that happens?
All joking aside, we'll be running through of some of the soft skills and techniques you need to improve your interactions with other people. Skills that will help you better understand what they want and skills to help you convey your thinking, ideas and opinions to others in a way that they will 'get'.

Don't like the talks here? That's fine, this group is for you, so why don't you submit a topic idea on UserVoice and we'll see what we can do for you.

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