I know we promised a bit more server side and .NET goodness after last month's JavaScript framework face off, and we're doing just that! Aren't we so much better than politicians! :-)
So, this month we have the following two topics
Will Azure Become Skynet? - John Azariah (@johnazarlah)
OK - So that's not the title of the talk, but all John promised was a talk on big data in Azure and machine learning. So if Azure is doing machine learning, then I think we all know where that will end... Come and see how humanity's demise begins as John turns on the switch :-)
Homebrew Dev for the Oculus Rift - Peter Horsley
Peter will be bringing in an Oculus Rift (and maybe some airsick bags) and giving us a run through on building applications/games for it using .NET.
There will be an actual Rift present as well. Maybe if you ask him nicely and bribe him with beer he might even let you experience it for yourself.
Please let us know you're coming by picking up a free ticket, and we'll see you on the night!
P.S. Don't forget about the upcoming ANZ Coders virtual conference. We'd love to see you submit topic ideas and help make the week a great one.