Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March Madness with some Crazy Cecil and Immutable Databases

After a little speaker wrangling we have the following talks lined up for this month...

The Dark Art of IL Rewriting for Fun and Profit - Philip Laureano (@philiplaureano)

In this session, we'll talk about how to use Mono.Cecil to modify .NET assemblies to do some useful (and unusual) things, such as:

  • Intercepting third-party method calls, including calls to libraries that you don't own (like the System.* namespace in the BCL) for mocking purposes
  • Swapping/replacing method bodies at runtime
  • Intercepting property getters and setters for caching purposes
  • Making all public methods virtual for use with your favourite ORM
  • Unsigning "signed" assemblies

We'll also talk about why you would want to do something like this, as well as introduce a IL-rewriting library named Fody, which you can use to do all of this stuff for you.

Killing the U in CRUD with Immutable Databases - Richard Banks (@rbanks54)

In an act of practicing what he preaches, Richard follows that thinking that the best way to learn about something being to do a talk on it. Time to see if this actually works.

The subject? Immutable Databases. What they're all about, the problems they try and solve and why you might actually want to use an approach to data storage that most people would think is completely and utterly bonkers. Probably the same people that said NoSQL would never take off.

So step out of your comfort zone and spend a Tuesday night hanging out with other like minded nerds and geeks, and see what you all the fuss is about.

Grab a ticket so we know you're coming, tell your friends (if you have any) and we'll see you on the night!