Friday, January 22, 2016

January 27th - HTTPS and VSCode

With Australia Day landing on the last Tuesday of the month, we've pushed the group back to the following night; Wednesday 27th.

We're also trying something a little different this month - we're going to try for our RSVPs instead of EventBrite and see how that works for us.

As for what we're doing this month, here's the details...

The Evolution of HTTPS - Jason Stangroome

If you do any sort of web development, you'll want to be here for this. As the web evolves so has the adoption and usage of the https:// URL scheme. This isn't your father's HTTPS anymore but there is a lot of misunderstanding and new behaviour hidden in that modest extra "S". Jason aims to unveil the mysteries of this rapidly spreading protocol.

Building a VSCode plugin - Aaron Powell 

The new VS kid on the block has had some pretty quick and rapid adoption, and best of all it's extensible. The question is, how do you write an plugin for it? Great question! And Aaron has not only the answer, but also a working example to walk through with us. Booyah!

And remember, if you're planning on coming, you'll need to head over to Go ahead, do so, and we'll see you on Wednesday! (not Tuesday)