Christmas in July - Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Pat Macpherson, developer at Ansarada
too long, yuletide present-givers have struggled with non-optimal
Secret Santa drawings.
I will show you how to use a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP)
solver to avoid that fate.
Xamarin CI / CD
Abdelmawla Mohamed, Readify Senior Developer
TeamCity, Fake, and HockeyApp, we will learn together how to connect those lego parts, to deliver continuous integration and continuous delivery for Xamarin apps
The Edge of the web
Aaron Powell (@slace), Readify Lead Consultant
Windows 10 is upon us and with it comes MS Edge, the new flagship browser from Microsoft. What does this new browser bring to us as web developers? Are we seeing yet another browser to cross-test on? What makes Edge different to Internet Explorer? Why aren’t we just using Chrome?