Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Links from the May 27th Meeting

Just as a follow up from last night's fun, here's a few links for you.

Sydney Xamarin Hack Day:

.NET vNext
Official site:

Official site:

And finally, a quick snap from last night for fun,

Aaron Powell (@slace) waxing lyrical about .NET vNext

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 27th, 2014 - .NET vNext and Edge.Js

There were some significant announcements made at this month's TechEd North America, especially those related to .NET vNext, Roslyn and the way we build applications. The changes will impact each and every .NET developer in the future and the sooner you understand what's happening, the sooner you can prepare yourself for the future and adjust the direction of the projects you're currently working on.

.NET vNext - Aaron Powell (@slace)

14 years ago the .NET framework was released at version 1.0 and since then a lot has changed.

Single monolithic frameworks are no longer the name of the game. The rise of NuGet has seen our .NET projects get more modular, being comprised of small specialised dependencies that do one job and do it very well.

Other platforms have also risen up, with Ruby and Node.js we have small, light-weight application being built, and being built in a way that we can load multiple versions of the runtime at the same time.

And lastly there's a new compiler in town, Roslyn, a C# & VB.NET compiler-as-a-service that now underpins everything .NET at Microsoft.

With all these changes it's time for the .NET framework to evolve with it.

Edge.JS - Richard Banks (@rbanks54)

Node and .NET living together? Sacrilege! Horror! Awesomeness! Sweeeet! Your reaction may vary, but it's possible, it's here and it's really kinda interesting and potentially useful.

So let's take a short trip into the trippy land of round tripping between Node and .NET and see where and how this rabbit hold might lead and if there truly is a pot of gold at the end of these mixed metaphors I've been abusing.

RSVP if you're coming and we'll see you soon!