For the month of October we have scoured the far corners of the interwebz to find you something special, just for you. We bring you subjects designed to create and endless supply of hyperbole, tim tams and coconuts and to provide for your personal edification, education and entertainment! Maybe we're overplaying it a little, maybe we're not. The only way to know for sure is to come along on the night!
This month we have a full length talk:
Something, something, Typescript
Aaron Powell
TypeScript is Microsoft's answer to the new-age problem of Something-to-JavaScript compilation, or as Brendan Eich calls it, transpilation.
Through all the fluffy words like "application scale" is there anything that's really going to make you excited? What problems is TypeScript going to solve for your average web application project and more importantly what problems is it going to introduce?
Remember to RSVP
No need to register to come but we would appreciate you RSVP'ing via the poll on the site so we can get the right amount of food ordered. Oh, don't forget to keep those
UserVoice ideas coming! Submit one now :-)