How to kill an open source project and have everyone cheer
Aaron Powell (@slace)Umbraco did an interesting thing in June, they killed the new version they'd been developing for close to 2 years and it was met by excitement and celebration.
So how do you do that, how do you kill your product at the start of a conference and have virtually all attendees cheer at the decision?
C# on the Raspberry Pi – Dot Net on a $35 ARM system
Andrew Stone (@drivenlogic)Embedded systems aren't new... but a $35 price point is.
The Raspberry Pi from the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory is an affordable credit card sized computer, capable of basic computing tasks such as browsing and email but it is also capable of HD video playback and physical computing applications such as robotics.
This session will take you through the basics of the system followed by some hardware IO code written in C#, closing with a quick demo of the super popular Xbox media center (XBMC) running on the RPi
You can read more here:
Don't forget to RSVP
Given the great turnout last month, let us know you're coming via the poll on the web site so we can organise the logistics for the evening and make sure we don't have to sit on each others laps! :-)Update: Technical issues mean there's no RSVP poll on the site yet - you can use the Facebook event as an alternative for now.