Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July is Cloud Month

Due to popular demand, this month we're making it all about the cloud.  More specifically how to use AWS from .NET land and the low down on all the new stuff that's been announced with Azure.

Russell Sayers - AWS
Amazon Web Services for .NET peeps
A very quick spin thru 26 services on offer from AWS.  A more detailed look at the three services I've used in anger: EC2, S3, and Mechanical Turk.  Some live samples with the REST APIs and the .net wrappers.

Justin King - Azure
Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh, my!

In this session we will cover not only all the new Microsoft Azure features released last month but how to take advantage of the entire Azure stack. With new functionality such as running Linux virtual machines, publishing directly from source control via git (appharbor model) or TFS with a checkin automatically triggering a build and deploy. We will take a look at the new Azure Websites, Azure Virtual Network to build hybrid on premise and cloud offering as well as the extensive updates to the new Management Portal and Web Apis for managing your deployments. If time permits we will take a look at a real world website and how I took advantage of Azure to build a scalable and multi layered site to ensure redundancy and speed.

Invite anyone who might be interested and then let us know you're coming by responding to the poll on the right hand site of the site or via the Facebook event page.