Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lightning Talks make it Yay for May!

Uggh! Terrible rhyming attempt.  Sorry.

Anyway, this moth is great for those of us with short attention spa... Squirrel!!!

Where was I? Oh, yes. Lightning talks.  Speakers and topics for this month are:

Wiryadi - Go Builds
Sean - Ruby Motion for native iPhone development
James - Lean Startup (and book give away!)
Sergey - Mixins in C# 
Pawel - Using Less/Sass in a project, the right way

It should be a fun night, and with beer and pizza on offer why wouldn't you come?! Just RSVP so we know how much food to get and don't forget to tell your friends!  We'll see you there.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 29 - Lightning Talks: Call for speakers!

Some of the most interesting and fun ALT.NETs are the lightning talks. Each presenter speaks for 5-10 minutes. We have 6 or more interesting, and usually very different topics on the night, all presented at snappy pace!

Without further ado, we'd like to put out the call for speakers for the 29th! Want to talk about something but don't have the time to prepare a full length presentation? Got some useful tips or new tech to share? Want to do your first presentation to the group?

Let us know your topic by either tweeting @rbanks54 and @jtcrisp or adding a comment to this post.

So, what do you want to talk about?  We want to hear what you have to say!